Degrees and Certificates
Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education
The Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education prepares students for recommendation in the state of Alaska for initial teaching certification in grades K-5. Students are assessed relative to national and state standards, including the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) standards, the Model Core Teaching Standards and Learning Progressions for Teachers developed by the Council of Chief State School Officer’s (CCSSO) Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC), the Alaska Standards for Educators and Student Content set by the Alaska Department of Education and Early Development (DEED), and the Alaska Standards for Culturally Responsive Schools.
In addition to the objectives of the Associate of Arts in Biblical Studies (2 year), the Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education (4 year) degree equips students to:
Understand and address the developmental and learning needs of K-5 learners.
Understand and apply content and curricular knowledge for K-5 instruction.
Plan, design, assess, and evaluare contexts for learning in a multicultural elementary school environment.
Support each child’s learning using engaging and effective instructional strategies and contextualized behavior support.
Identify ways to positively impact communities through their educational calling.
Become a servant who leads with Christlike character who is developing as a professional educator.
Educator Preparation Program Fee: $100/semester Fee charged to all students in the Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education degree program every semester in order to defray the costs of various national teaching assessments and classroom observations.
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